Should a Drag Queen Learn to Sew?

"What is it with you young drag queens who don't know how to sew? I don't get that." This was RuPaul's remark to Adore Delano when the queens were getting ready for a sewing challenge. Clearly, sewing and drag should go together. Why? Here are the top reasons.

- Because you can't wear cheap clothes.

Do you want to make a good impression within the drag community? Then don't do cheap. Queens hate cheap queens. They recognize a shirt from the sales rack of Forever 21, and wearing one is equivalent to a drag suicide.

READ: Don't be a topanga.

- Because you want to be unique.

If you wear a dress, make sure it's couture and not pret-a-porter. Unless, of course, it's Victoria Beckham.

- Because you always have a new design to show.

Wearing the same costumes over and over makes the costume old and uninteresting. Sew new outfits and your audience will want more from you.

- Because everything about you should be custom-made.

You want the perfect fit, the perfect cut, and a unique design suited for a queen.